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Perl is a very powerful scripting language and is fully supported by The Uniform Server Zero XI. You can install one of two distributions, either Portable Strawberry Perl (Full or Mini version) via a Uniform Server Zero XL Plugin or Active Perl. The ActivePerl Community License precludes distribution with The Uniform Server Zero XI; you will need to download this yourself and use The Uniform Server Zero's built-in installation batch file script. Rmainder of this page; covers UniControllers Perl control menu.


Install Perl as explained on this page Installing Perl

The Uniform Server XL automatically detects the presence of Perl and enables UniController. If Perl is not installed, the Perl menu is greyed out.

Place your Perl scripts in folder UniServerZ\cgi-bin and any sub-folders as appropriate. Each script requires a Shebang. This must be an absolute path to the Perl executable. For example:

Or (Unix format)

Note: The #! means "use the following command/interpreter to run this script". Generally the command/interpreter is the absolute path to an executable

Next section covers the Shebang in more detail.


The Shebang format you use is dependent on a number of factors such as on how the Apache server is run (either as a standard program or as a service) and the operating system.

Apache – Running as standard program

When Apache is started from UniController it is run as a standard program and is fully portable.
For portability absolute paths cannot be used, instead the Perl executable is located by using the local environment path. The Shebang used for Windows is shown below:


Moving UniServer Zero to another location automatically updates the path environment variable.

Tip: When writing Perl scripts for Windows always use #!perl for the shebang.

Important: When you place a third party Perl script in cgi-bin, you must always run Force Windows Shebang using UniController this converts the Unix Shebang to the Windows format. Alternatively, you can manually edit each file and replace the Unix Shebang "#!/usr/bin/perl" with the Windows Shebang "#!perl".

Note: The above runs on any Windows OS from XP to Win 10.

Apache – Running as service

When Apache is started from UniService it is run as a service and is no-longer portable. Running as a service requires the Shebang to be an absolute path for example:


You need to edit each file and replace the Shebang with "#!C:/UniServerZ/core/perl/bin/perl.exe", if you installed Uniform Server in a different location adjust the path as appropriate. Although inconvenient it is a relatively easy task to search all files in cgi-bin and replace the Shebang.

Note 1: The above runs on any Windows OS from XP to Win 10.
Note 2: With the exception of Windows XP that must use the above there is a more elegant solution see Unix Shebang on Windows for details.

Shebang Help

Perl > Shebang Help

The Perl "Shebang Help" menu displays the following:

Shebang Help:

  • Perl scripts developed on Unix will not run on a Window machine
    the Shebang requires conversion to a Windows format.
  • The Shabang allows Apache to find the Perl interpreter
    Windows Shebang - First line of a Perl script: #!perl
  • Note 1: After installing third-party scripts to the cgi-bin folder.
    Force a Windows shebang update by running "Force Windows Shebang".
    from the Perl drop-down menu.
  • Note 2: Before uploading scripts from the cgi-bin folder to a Unix server.
    Force a Unix shebang update by running "Force Unix Shebang"
    from the Perl drop-down menu.

Force Windows Shebang

After installing third-party scripts to the cgi-bin folder. Force a Windows shebang update by running Force Windows Shebang from the Perl drop-down menu.

Perl > Force Windows Shebang

This updates all files with the following file extensions in folder cgi-bin and any sub-folders

  • *.pl
  • *.pm
  • *.cgi

Replaces the current shebang with #!perl

Force Unix Shebang

Perl scripts developed on Windows will not run on a Unix machine. They require conversion to Unix format. Force a format update by running Force Unix Shebang from the Perl drop-down menu.

Perl > Force Unix Shebang

This updates all files with the following file extensions in folder cgi-bin and any sub-folders

  • *.pl
  • *.pm
  • *.cgi

Replaces the current shebang with #!/usr/bin/perl


View runs test script: UniServerZ\cgi-bin\

Perl > View


print <<END_of_HTML;
Content-type: text/html

  <TITLE>Perl Test Page</TITLE>

 <H1>Perl test page</H1>
  <P>Basic Perl test pages.</P>
     <li><a href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/" target="_blank"> - Display Perl environment</a></i>
     <li><a href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/" target="_blank"> - Basic "Hello world" uses here-doc <<END statement:</a></i>
     <li><a href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/" target="_blank"> - Basic "Hello world" uses use CGI qw(:standard)</a></i>
     <li><a href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/" target="_blank"> - Basic user input form 1</a></i>
     <li><a href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/" target="_blank"> - Basic user input form 2</a></i>

<p>The above test pages are located in folder <b>UniServerZ\\cgi-bin</b> after testing these pages can be deleted:<br />
Main Test page and pages to</p>



Where to go next

Installing Perl - Covers installing ActivePerl and Strawberry Perl